Thursday, 11 February 2021

Speaker: Prof. Arnaud Lazarus

Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, Sorbonne Université, France

Periodically varying systems: Beyond the tip of the parametric instability tongues


In this talk, we investigate particles in periodically varying potentials, believing those periodically time-varying systems (PTVS) could eventually give new interesting physical insights in wave-particles interactions. When the local evolution function of a PTVS is periodically varied in synchrony with one of its natural time scales, it is known parametric instabilities can occur, according notably to Floquet theory. But unlike classical PTVS encountered in mechanics where the modulation of local evolution function is usually small, we consider here finite and possibly large modulations so that parametric instabilities are extremely enhanced and new dynamical phenomena can emerge. Based on those concepts, we will show i) how to trigger and efficiently sustain the natural vibrations of an oscillator, ii) a new particle- wave “duality” that can emerge in fundamental PTVS and iii) an analogy between parametric instabilities in Initial and Boundary Value Problems with an application in the buckling of elastic structures in periodic compressive state.


Arnaud Lazarus received a PhD in mechanical engineering from École polytechnique in France in 2008. After 2 postdoctoral years in Paris, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an associate researcher from 2010 to 2013. Since 2013, he is an assistant professor at Sorbonne Université (Paris, France), doing his research at Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert. His current interests are in the stability of dynamical systems and the mechanical behavior of slender elastic structures.


by Filippo Agnelli and Geoffrey Magda.

Suggested readings