Thursday, 12 November 2020

Speaker: Prof. Charles Mareau

Arts et Métiers ParisTech Angers

Micromechanical modeling of fatigue damage in metallic polycrystals


The development of fatigue damage in metallic materials is a complex process influenced by both intrinsic (e.g. crystallographic texture, defects) and extrinsic (e.g. loading mode, frequency) factors. To better understand this process, some efforts have been made to develop microstructure-sensitive models that consider the impact of microstructural heterogeneities on the formation of fatigue cracks. Such models often use some indicators inspired by fatigue criteria (e.g. Dang Van, Fatemi-Socie) to determine whether the conditions for initiation are met are not. In this work, an alternative strategy is explored. It consists in combining the concepts of continuum damage mechanics with the framework of crystal plasticity to describe the nucleation and the early growth of fatigue cracks in metallic materials. Some possible strategies for the construction of constitutive relations, in either a local or a non-local form, will be exposed in this talk. Some numerical examples will also be presented. These examples allow discussing the ability of the proposed model to describe the impact of loading conditions and pre-existing defects on the fatigue behavior of metallic polycrystals.



by Yutong Liu and Nicole Tueni

Suggested readings