Thursday, 7 May 2020

Speaker: Prof. Michele Chiumenti

International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Developments in Additive Manufacturing Processes: Industrial Technologies and Numerical Analyses



In this work, the current developments on the numerical simulation of different AM processes are presented. A fully coupled thermo-mechanical framework has been tailored to the analysis of several 3D-printing processes ranging from metal or polymers extrusion and melting, to technologies for civil and architectural applications. The accurate definition of the material deposition is addressed, taking into account actual movement of the heat source along the scanning path as defined for the machine. The result is a high-fidelity simulation of the AM process leading to an accurate layer-by-layer building sequence. An advanced high-performance and object-oriented software platform has been enhanced to include the parallel FE activation technique used to follow the growth of the geometry according to the fabrication process. The mesh adaptivity strategy makes use of Cartesian grids together with octree-type local refinements and global coarsening to keep controlled the total number of elements in the computational domain. The thermo-viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive model introduced is calibrated and the numerical results are validated through an extensive experimental campaign carried out taking advantage of the partnership with several research center such as: the Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China), the Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), IK4-Lortek, Leitat, Eurecat (Spain), among others.




Articles selection

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